What is the most common cause of induced menopause? - HormoVital

The most common cause of induced menopause is medical treatment, particularly surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Induced menopause occurs when the ovaries stop functioning normally due to damage or removal before the natural age of menopause, which is around 51 years old on average. Causes Some of the main medical causes of induced menopause include:

Symptoms The symptoms of induced menopause are often more severe than natural menopause because the hormone changes happen very suddenly. Common effects include: Long Term Health Risks Induced menopause also comes with risks linked to the early estrogen deficiency:
If you are dealing with induced menopause, know that you are not alone. Be kind to yourself through this challenging transition. There are many medical therapies that can help manage symptoms and reduce long term risks related to early hormone changes. The specialists at HormoVital have over 15 years experience successfully treating women with induced menopause. We take a personalized approach, using bioidentical hormone replacement when appropriate, along with tailored lifestyle plans to help you thrive. Contact us today to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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