Estrogen dominance - HormoVital

What is estrogen dominance?

Estrogen dominance refers to a condition where a woman has excess estrogens circulating in her body, without enough progesterone to balance its effects. This hormonal imbalance can develop due to various factors like chronic stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, etc.

Some key things to know:

Diagnosis involves looking at symptoms and testing hormone levels via blood, saliva, or urine tests. The key is assessing that ratio of progesterone to estrogen.

Treatment focuses on rebalancing hormones using diet and lifestyle changes, supplements, and potentially bioidentical hormones. Our clinicians at HormoVital specialize in customized plans to help women alleviate estrogen dominance symptoms and regain hormonal balance.

Some helpful diet and lifestyle tips include:

At HormoVital, your individualized treatment plan addresses root causes of hormonal imbalances. Our comprehensive testing maps your hormone levels, ratios and metabolism. Based on that, our clinicians create a personalized plan with bioidentical hormones, customized nutrition and supplement protocols to restore optimal hormonal health.

We find this integrative approach leads to the best patient outcomes. If you're struggling with estrogen dominance symptoms, contact us today for a consultation. Our goal is to help you feel healthy, balanced and vibrant again!

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