Estradiol - HormoVital

What is estradiol?

Estradiol is the most potent and predominant form of estrogen circulating in the female body. Estrogen is essential for the development and maintenance of the female reproductive system and secondary sex characteristics.

Some key points about estradiol:

When are estradiol levels tested?

Some common reasons estradiol levels may be tested include:

If you have concerns about your reproductive health or are considering hormone testing or therapy, the physicians at HormoVital can help diagnose issues affecting your hormone levels. We provide personalized care plans to help patients achieve hormonal balance, wellness and quality of life.

How do estradiol levels change through life?

The typical pattern of estradiol levels through a woman's lifespan is:

However, in some cases like PCOS or ovarian insufficiency estradiol levels may be abnormally high or low at certain ages. Working with a knowledgeable hormone specialist can help diagnose these issues.

At HormoVital, we partner with patients throughout their hormone journey with evidence-based care to optimize reproductive health, reduce menopausal symptoms, assist fertility, and identify risks like cancers or osteoporosis.

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