Decreased muscle mass - HormoVital

What is decreased muscle mass?

Decreased muscle mass, known medically as sarcopenia, is a common condition characterized by a loss of skeletal muscle tissue, strength and function. It can start as early as age 30 and becomes more prevalent with advanced age.

Some key signs of decreased muscle mass include:

Decreased muscle mass happens for a few key reasons:

The impacts of sarcopenia can be significant. Loss of muscle mass can lead to loss of independence, increased risk of falls and fractures, slowed metabolism and weight gain, and higher mortality rates.

Luckily, the age-related loss of muscle mass can be reduced and even reversed in many cases through specific countermeasures, such as:

If you're concerned about a loss of strength and muscle mass, the expert physicians at HormoVital can help diagnose the cause and develop an integrated treatment plan involving nutrition, fitness and hormone therapy where clinically indicated.

With the right lifestyle measures - optimal protein intake, resistance training, anabolic supplements or hormones if needed - significant improvements in lean muscle mass can typically be achieved within weeks to months, leading to measurable gains in strength, mobility and vitality.

The key is not waiting until significant muscle has already been lost, but rather being proactive with muscle preservation from an earlier age through a muscle healthy lifestyle. Together with targeted medical therapy where appropriate, the battle against sarcopenia can not only be won, but also avoided altogether.

Contact HormoVital today for a comprehensive evaluation and to discuss science-based options for sustaining optimal muscle mass, strength and function throughout life's journey.

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