Can HRT cause hair loss? - HormoVital

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can potentially lead to some hair loss in some individuals. However, there are steps that can be taken to minimize this risk. The potential for hair loss stems from the effects of hormones like estrogen and testosterone on the hair growth cycle. These hormones help regulate follicles and when hormone levels shift rapidly, it can disrupt the cycle and lead to shedding, thinning or loss.

So while HRT can lead to some increased hair loss initially, it rarely causes permanent balding. There are various ways those undergoing HRT can reduce hair shedding or loss: With proactive measures from the start, most undergoing hormone replacement can minimize or even prevent increased hair shedding. Being patient through the initial 6 month transition and using a multi-pronged approach reduces risk greatly. Speak to specialists at HormoVital to discuss your personalized hair-friendly HRT plan. Their experts can select the optimal bioidentical hormone preparations, doses and delivery methods just for you. They also provide nutraceuticals and laser devices to boost hair thickness. Rest assured HRT doesn't have to mean hair loss at any age.

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